Succulents that need less sunshine

Succulents that need less sunshine

Succulents That Do Well with Less Sunlight

If you have succulents outdoors in shade, or indoors without a lot of sunlight streaming on them through the window, these are the succulents I’d recommend:



Aeonium haworthii—Kiwi aeonium

2–3 feet

Agave attenuata—Fox tail agave

3–4 feet

Aloe—Aloe ‘Doran Black’ (sometimes called Dorian Black)

6–8 inches

Aloe maculata—Soap aloe

1–2 feet

Aloe barbadensis—Aloe vera

1–2 feet

Aloe arborescens—Krantz aloe

10 feet

Beaucarnea recurrata—Ponytail palm

10 feet

Ceropegia woodii—String of hearts


Crassula multicava—Fairy crassula

under 6 inches

Crassula ovata—Jade plant

3–6 feet

Gasteria 'Little Warty’

under 6 inches

Haworthia fasciata—Zebra plant

8 inches

Haworthia cooperi—Window plant

under 6 inches

Haworthia cuspidata f. variegata—Window plant, variegated

under 6 inches

Haworthiopsis viscosa or Haworthia viscosa

under 6 inches

Hoya—Wax plants



under 6 inches

Rhipsalidopsis gaertneri or Hatiora gaertneri—Easter cactus


Sansevieria—Snake plant

3 feet

Schlumbergera bridgesii—Christmas cactus


Sedum (now Hylotelephium) sieboldii—October Daphne

6–8 inches

Sedum ternatum—Woodland sedum

under 6 inches

Sedum morganianum—Donkey tail


Sedum sieboldii—October Daphne stonecrop

9 inches

Senecio radicans—String of bananas


Senecio rowleyanus—String of pearls


Tillandsia—Air plants

sizes vary

Zamioculcas zamiifolia—ZZ plant or aroid palm

2–3 feet


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