Wreath & Vertical Garden Care
Wreath & Vertical Garden CareHow Much Sunlight do Succulent Wreaths Need?:
Without sunshine, succulents lose their flower-like shape and turn green
Winter: Basking in full winter sun will help keep your succulent wreath colorful and beautiful. Please protect from frost.
Summer: Lots of bright morning or afternoon sunshine brings out the beautiful colors in succulents. Direct, mid-day summer sun can burn their leaves.
Blue succulent wreaths are perfect for a partly shady porch. Blue succulents can stay looking beautiful without as much sunlight as pink and lavender colored succulents
How to Water:
Succulents store Water in their leaves making their leaves firm and plump.
Winter: Water only if the moss is completely dry, and there’s no chance of freezing. A plant water meter may be used to check the soil moisture. When the meter reads 0, it's time to water. If it reads 1+ wait several days or until the meter reads 0.
Water by soaking the wreath in water. Don’t overwater, only soak until the moss is damp.
Please allow the moss wreath form to dry out completely before watering. Succulents may only need water once or twice in the winter. Please protect from frost.
Summer: Water when the moss is completely dry, a plant water meter may be used to check the moisture in the moss. If it reads 0, it's time to water. If it reads 1+ wait several days or until the meter reads 0.
How to water in Summer: Water by drenching your wreath with the hose until the moss form is dripping and heavy. or water by soaking the wreath in a plastic tub or the lid of a wreath storage container like, Homz Holiday Wreath Plastic Storage Box with Clear Lid , available online.